March 18 2019 @ 8:00pm Post Title: So this is a thing...

So this blog is exactly as the description under the site's title says. In case you have any browser issues rendering the description invisible, this is a blog I decided to write to vent out the complicated thoughts and emotions I experience on a chronic basis. Whether or not they are a result of my high anxiety disorder or some other twisted part of my brain's functions — who can say other than perhaps a decent therapist.

I decided that this first post should be on a good day, at least relatively speaking. I thought it best to be in a level mindset when I warn you guys that this may get dark, heavy, nonsensical, spiraling, and a number of other potentially offending moods. My next warning will be that I don't intend to force posts on a periodic schedule. Timing will be random and post quality will fluctuate. I will not be taking responsibility for any effects this blog may have on others, nor will I accept any grief either good or bad from potential readers should I not post for long periods of time. I tried to make this whole process as secure as I can tolerate it so that while I can view what I like about the process (i.e. I can see that there may be others out there that actually feel something from what I write) without being weighed down by what I detest about it (i.e. the endless supply of internet trolls that target blogs like these as if it is their mission in life to drag people already in low places into even darker depths). I'm even going so far as to only have one person I know to be aware of what this blog is called so that I can avoid the risk of most persecution based on me being honest and seeking some form of peace in those not too close to the issues themselves — and that individual is only aware of it because I needed advice on how to make this process secure. Furthermore, they have already proven that I can trust them. Whether it be my manic and depressive, or even some of my mundane thoughts with a level of supportiveness regardless of levels of agreement that I have come to appreciate.

Trust me when I say I know to some degree how all that sounds, but this blog is meant to be therapeutic more than anything else. While I like the idea of having others read my work and knowing that fact via quantifiable evidence — I'm too paranoid and prone to depressive moods to knowingly open myself up to attack.

So just to put the final arrow in the practice dummy. This will not always be a light mooded blog, it will not be prone to scheduling, and I have no obligation or responsibility to those who may or may not read it.

— Good night for now.